خرید رله محافظ موتور زیمنس 7SK8052-5EB90-1HD0 L0R

Motor protection Enclosure 1/6 19″, 4 x I, 3 BI, 5 BO (2 changeover contacts) 5 temperature sensors 1 live contact Measuring inputs: Iph = 1 A / 5 A, Iee (sensitive) = 0.001 to 1.6 A/0.005 to 8 A Rated auxiliary power: 60 V/ 110 V / 125 V/ 220 V DC, 115 V / 230 V AC Installation enclosure Screw terminals Region world, IEC/ANSI English (language can be changed) Front membrane standard System interface port B (device underside, rear) IEC 61850, 100 Mbit Ethernet, electr., double, RJ45 connector Without system interface, Port A Measurement: fault recording Functionality: XMZ+ Overcurrent time sw. XMZ PH(50/51) I>,I>>,I>>>,Ip Ground fault protection XMZ GROUND (50N/51N: Ie>, Ie>>,Ie>>>, Iep Ground fault/Ground short circuit prot. Iee>.Iee>>,Ieep Overload protection (49) Trip circuit monitoring (74TC) Circuit breaker failure protection (50BF), Load unbalance protection (46) Lock out (86) Start up time monitoring (48) Undercurrent monitoring (37) Reclosing lockout (66/86) Rotor blocking protection (14) Load step protection (51M) Motor statistics Parameter set switchover Monitoring functions

خرید رله محافظ موتور زیمنس 7SK8052-5EB90-1HD0 L0R

خرید رله محافظ موتور زیمنس 7SK8052-5EB90-1HD0 L0R

Article Number (Market Facing Number) 7SK8052-5EB90-1HD0 L0R
Product Description Motor protection Enclosure 1/6 19″, 4 x I, 3 BI, 5 BO (2 changeover contacts) 5 temperature sensors 1 live contact Measuring inputs: Iph = 1 A / 5 A, Iee (sensitive) = 0.001 to 1.6 A/0.005 to 8 A Rated auxiliary power: 60 V/ 110 V / 125 V/ 220 V DC, 115 V / 230 V AC Installation enclosure Screw terminals Region world,

IEC/ANSI English (language can be changed) Front membrane standard System interface port B (device underside, rear) IEC 61850, 100 Mbit Ethernet, electr., double, RJ45 connector Without system interface, Port A Measurement: fault recording Functionality: XMZ+ Overcurrent time sw.

XMZ PH(50/51) I>,I>>,I>>>,Ip Ground fault protection XMZ GROUND (50N/51N: Ie>, Ie>>,Ie>>>, Iep Ground fault/Ground short circuit prot. Iee>.Iee>>,Ieep Overload protection (49) Trip circuit monitoring (74TC) Circuit breaker failure protection (50BF),

Load unbalance protection (46) Lock out (86) Start up time monitoring (48) Undercurrent monitoring (37) Reclosing lockout (66/86) Rotor blocking protection (14) Load step protection (51M) Motor statistics Parameter set switchover Monitoring functions

Product family Ordering Data Overview
Product Lifecycle (PLM) PM400:Phase Out Started
PLM Effective Date Product phase-out since: 30.09.2024
Sucessor:Successor/replacement product: 7SX800
Price data
Region Specific PriceGroup / Headquarter Price Group 184 / B18
List Price Show prices
Customer Price Show prices
Surcharge for Raw Materials None
Metal Factor None
Delivery information
Export Control Regulations ECCN : N / AL : N
Estimated dispatch time (Working Days) 45 Day/Days
Net Weight (kg) 4,000 Kg
Package size unit of measure Not available
Quantity Unit 1 Piece
Packaging Quantity 1
Additional Product Information
EAN Not available
UPC Not available
Commodity Code 85363010
LKZ_FDB/ CatalogID SIP6.4
Product Group 1318
Group Code U321
Country of origin Germany
Compliance with the substance restrictions according to RoHS directive Since: 29.09.2008
Product class B: return restricted, please contact your Siemens partner/contact
WEEE (2012/19/EU) Take-Back Obligation Yes
REACH Art. 33 Duty to inform according to the current list of candidates
SCIP number Not available

توضیحات تکمیلی

کد فنی

7SK8052-5EB90-1HD0 L0R



نام برند


کشور سازنده


مشخصات فنی

Motor protection Enclosure 1/6 19", 4 x I, 3 BI, 5 BO (2 changeover contacts) 5 temperature sensors 1 live contact Measuring inputs: Iph = 1 A / 5 A, Iee (sensitive) = 0.001 to 1.6 A/0.005 to 8 A Rated auxiliary power: 60 V/ 110 V / 125 V/ 220 V DC, 115 V / 230 V AC Installation enclosure Screw terminals Region world, IEC/ANSI English (language can be changed) Front membrane standard System interface port B (device underside, rear) IEC 61850, 100 Mbit Ethernet, electr., double, RJ45 connector Without system interface, Port A Measurement: fault recording Functionality: XMZ+ Overcurrent time sw. XMZ PH(50/51) I>,I>>,I>>>,Ip Ground fault protection XMZ GROUND (50N/51N: Ie>, Ie>>,Ie>>>, Iep Ground fault/Ground short circuit prot. Iee>.Iee>>,Ieep Overload protection (49) Trip circuit monitoring (74TC) Circuit breaker failure protection (50BF), Load unbalance protection (46) Lock out (86) Start up time monitoring (48) Undercurrent monitoring (37) Reclosing lockout (66/86) Rotor blocking protection (14) Load step protection (51M) Motor statistics Parameter set switchover Monitoring functions



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اولین کسی باشید که دیدگاهی می نویسد “خرید رله محافظ موتور زیمنس 7SK8052-5EB90-1HD0 L0R”

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